Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Challenges and discoveries

It always worries me when a blog vanishes as anotherlittleblog did this week. And the writer’s former blog Pixie-kisses is gone too. I do hope that all is well and it’s just some kind of computer related glitch. On the other hand I have discovered the vintage kitten who has inspired me to think about introducing a Friday cocktail hour. Do visit this site if you have an interest in things vintage or glittery!

As much as I like the thought of a cocktail to kick off Friday evening I’m not sure planning to increase consumption of alcohol on a regular basis was quite what the icing transformation challenge had in mind.

However, I’m not taking part in the itc this time as such. I’ve decided that I will read what others are doing for the itc as a source of inspiration. I’m also planning on using the itc as a way to deal with my breakfast dilemma. Rather than wallowing in ‘I don’t know what to eat’ misery, I’ve decided to take a practical approach. I’m still keen on using up what I have in the cupboard and really it takes a very small amount of effort for me to prepare something extra when I do my usual lunches preparation on Sunday.

My plans for this week had been to make the Fruit and Nut bars from the Vegan lunchbox book. Alas I discovered that I didn’t have most of the ingredients but I did have the making for muffins including some Blackberries that I picked in the autumn and froze. What is frozen fruit for if not for perking up things at the start of February? I also noticed that I had six different types of flour lurking in the pantry. That’s just too many at one time so the barley flour got to go into the mix too.

So despite the heavy snow I’ve been enjoying Blackberry and Almond barley muffins for breakfast every day. I just need inspiration to strike for next week breakfast dish now.

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