Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Less than fabulous

Today I am feeling somewhat less fabulous than I think I should be. My life is amazing and I should be totally aware of this. Instead I fear that I'm going to have a hissy fit and complain that I feel like I took a wrong turn somewhere and I'm really just ordinary. I'm not sure what has bought on this need for more romance in my life. I think part of the problem with life is that every time you figure out the solution, the question changes (I believe Disraeli said something similar about the Irish question). So I make myself feel uncomfortable by trying to find the right balance of spontaneous and planned. Planning makes me feel powerful, but spontaneous is fun.

I'm going to resurrect a trick I learnt form a book called Family Baggage by Monica McInerney. you write a list (I used to have mine in the back of my notebook) of things you can do. Start simple (peel potatoes, sew a button on, pitch a tent) and add to it everything you think of something. Then at moments of doubt, have a read through and realise how amazing you are and what a wealth of experience and knowledge you represent.

Although I had do a bit of search to remember the title and author of Family Baggage I just discovered that the book I 'm reading at the moment (Those Faraday Girls) is by the same author.

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