Monday, July 28, 2008

Abundance in the universe

What a marvellously abundant weekend. My allotment is producing crops of all kinds. Peas, French beans, Runner beans, Potatoes and masses of courgettes. I was rather perturbed when Dear Heart suggested that I put it all into a soup and blend it up! He just doesn’t appreciate the delights of freshly picked, home grown produce.

I was a bit stuck for what to do with the courgettes. I have an awful lot and they are rather big. Happily someone pointed me in the direction of The Healing Foods Cookbook: The Vegan Way to Wellness. I’m always keen to read new vegan cookbooks and found this book contains a marvellous (and easy) recipe for courgette and tarragon soup. Dear Heart loved it (and he doesn’t like courgettes) and his sister had two bowls and asked for the recipe.

Blackberries also seem to be growing everywhere at present and a few scratches are small price to pay for such delicious fruit. The freezer is starting to look a bit full though…

Things are coming along very nicely with the redecoration of my study. When Dear Heart went out to buy plaster at the end of last week I hopped in the car with him and we visited an army surplus store that he’s been raving about for a few months.

I picked up a green shirt (£2) which just needs a few darts to make splendid fitted shirt for winter wear. I also got a green long sleeved top (£3) which is very soft and just needs a few adjustments to be perfect! My best buy had to be some heavy cotton fabric. I think they might have been tablecloths at some point. I can’t decide if I want to make a dress or a bag. Work on these will hopefully be among the first projects I undertake in my newly renovated room!

This does put my clothing purchased total up to three items for this year, but I don’t think that’s too bad for the end of July.

Enjoy the sunshine

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