Thursday, July 10, 2008

5 of seven

Today is my fifth working day in a week of seven. So roll on Sunday. It's proving to be a particularly busy week even outside work. It's my week to make lunch for our shared thursday lunches (and hopefully we'll put somethign about them on our blog soon). So last night I shot out of a meeting, ran across twon in the rain with my shoes rubbing the back of my feet raw to make the bus so that I could get home and make dinner and lunch. I made the bus but it then broke down so I was home just as late as if I hadn't run. I'm certain that there is a lesson in there somewhere.

I did manage to get all the food prep done (and the girls where sweet enough to say it was very nice) but by the time I'd finished clearing up the kitchen at 9.30p.m. I was really ready for bed. So no drum practice last night. In all honestly it probably isn't the best week to want to do anything at home. I was hoping to get away early today but once agian I'm busy, busy, busy.

Tomorrow is another manic day, but it does feel good to be alive and occupied!

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