Friday, May 29, 2009

the big wardrobe change

I had this afternoon blocked out to put my winter clothes away & get my summer stuff out. As always I was delighted to rediscover so many lovely items of clothing. I also believe that there clothes that have to be put away for a few years and others that you suddenly see potential that they just didn't have before.

I am truly horrified by how much stuff I have. I had this plan about trying tho be on and purchasing stuff to fill any gaps but there just cannot be gaps - I have too much.

Hence I will be wearing outfits I love to death this summer. In the hopes that I might wear some stuff out. Also I will be using long dresses and skirts as my cold weather/legs need defuzzing/can't be bothered default
. I'm fed up with trousers that wear out too fast.

Here's to a lovely summer and I finally figured out how to do text posts from my phone! More spontaneous posting lays ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should try x