Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I want the Moonwalk to be over and done.

I want this because I have an urge to be creative, to make stuff, to write, to sew, to organise, to clear out. I don’t feel that I can focus on doing any of this because I’m terrified that I’ll (a) exhaust myself before the big night, (b) drop a box on my foot or similar and (c) I need to do Moonwalk related stuff like decide which snacks to take, organise transport, decorate bra, create play list for last few miles and so on.

My hairs needs more henna. It’s just a little too warm for leggings but not nearly hot enough for bare legs. Lacey patterned tights seem to be the answer but they seem to get holes really easily. Holey tights are part of my look sometimes. I do love outfit details that suddenly seem to startle. Like a perfect 1950s housewife look with a huge spider necklace. Can you buy fair trade, vegan, organic tights?

I’ve realised that my endless quest to discover my style is actually just that endless. People change all the time even if it’s just in very small ways and that includes me. Consequently what my style is will always be changing. I should embrace that change and not worry when my daily outfit choices revolve around half a dozen garments for a week or two.

I’ve been listening to The Red Hot Chili Peppers because just about every bass related thing I’ve read recently talks about what a big influence Flea was on them. One of the things I liked about Dear Heart when we were first dating was that he seemed to be the only person I knew who didn’t get the RHCP and couldn’t figure what all the fuss was about.

Photocopiers are really interesting things. I love all the hidden doors that one only discovers when the paper feed jams.

I’ve rather enjoyed rambling like this. I don’t know what any potential readers will make of it? Maybe the signifiers slide enough for them to muse as well.

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