Friday, July 03, 2009

And the living is easy

It all seems so much easier when the weather is warm. Normal rules are suspended or so it seems. The weather might not last so don’t waste time doing non essential things.

Wake up and roll out of bed. Throw on minimal, simple clothing. Chuck a bit of fruit and veg in a box for lunch because you imagine even wanting to eat again (although drinking is another matter). Consider applying make up and them wonder what the point is when it will only melt. Eat lunch in park and do a spot of people watching.

Evening rolls around. You leave work and sit in the garden. Change your clothes for something more comfortable (and less hot). You opt for water rather than vodka because it’s so hot. You wash some clothes (because you only have three garments that are actually suitable for this weather) and they dry in a flash. You leave the rest of the housework because you’re too busy sitting in the garden.

You eat something snack like for dinner because it’s too hot to eat a proper meal. You drift off to bed earlier than usual just so that you have an excuse to lie down and shed some more clothes. Listen to the voices coming through the open window from nearby gardens. You sleep badly but that doesn’t matter because nothing happening the next day seems urgent.

A hot summer is like a dream to be wandered through and carry to the winter.

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