Monday, June 23, 2008


I must start by apologising if I've sounded grumpy or negative over the past few days. I've got a rather nasty summer cold and it's making me feel very tired.

My colleagues have assured me that now my symptoms are full blown I am on the road to recovery. I do feel somewhat improved. I can concentrate again. I don't feel as if everything is too much effort. I found lunchtime Pilates energizing (instead of dozing off in class as I did last week). My sense of smell and taste has returned. I had a lovely light lunch of baby carrots, strawberries and speedy peanut dipping sauce.

My working day is proving to be pleasant rather than a chore. I must be careful not to overdo it though. Yesterday I slipped along to my allotment to pick some strawberries and ended up weeding the carrots and onions in the heat of the day.

Oh and this cold has lead me to make the more pleasant discovery of how delicious Gin and Grapefruit Juice are when combined together.

I'm feeling optimistic about the week ahead and actually smiling!

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