Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

Days off - I seem to have been on the go all summer long. Lunch breaks are non existent or spent travelling, rather than in the park. Days off so far have been spent travelling or meeting up with people. Hence it's been marvellous to have two days at home not having to do anything.

Clear outs - Of course I have been doing stuff. Mainly clearing out boxes from my study and stuff from our soon to be refurbished utility room. I've divided it into piles for charity shops, for a friend who does car boot sales for a dogs home, freecycle and finally eBay. I'm amazed by the demand for some items on freecycle. My beaded curtain and leaf rake could have gone several times over. However I am short on taker for my set of taps and mug tree.

Other stuff - music festivals, sleeping it off, long lunches, great reads, sunshine, not worrying, going with the flow, green tops with hint of mint worn with white heart shaped necklaces, gucamole, menu changes, living the moment.

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