Monday, September 18, 2006

Just like Prince Charming...

Yesterday I decided to tackle a rather over grown area on my allotment. The grass had grown long and worse, there was an enormous blackberry bush with lots of branches coming off it (and hiding in the grass). Feeling rather like I was off to rescue Sleeping Beauty, I took some shears to the allotment. With my shears I began to snip and was thrilled to discover the dug boundary of the plot.

I was doing really well as I approached the bush itself. I noticed that there were a lot of bees around. However, I reasoned that this is quite normal. Bees buzz around flowers, don't they? Well they do if there are actually any flowers to buzz around... I then realised that the low humming that I thought was a strimmer was actually the sounds of bees - lots of them!

I retreated back to hack my way through another area (and boy do I ache today). When I got home, I looked up bees in a wildlife book. They do indeed make nests in long grass. I guess that the prickly brambles are good at keeping predators at bay.

Hmm, I suppose my plan to cut the bush right back will have to be changed, at least for the present. Probably just as well as all my muscles are stiffening up today as a result of all that hard manual labour yesterday.

Regular readers will be aware that I enjoy the wit and glamour of Jilly Cooper novels. Last week I needed something fun and a little bit trashy so I decided to read Octavia. I was amazed by the similarities with Louise Bagshawe's Venus Envy (still one of my favourites). Then I read Louise Bagshawe's Sparkles over the weekend. One of the characters actually talks about reading Octavia! What's going on? Will Louise turn out to be Jilly's great-niece or something?

More when my fingers stop aching too much to type...

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