Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Summer's over

Last night I packed up my summer clothes and got out my winter ones. As a result I am snuggled in pair of gray flannel type trousers today. It's rather pleasing to find that I already have so much grey in my wardrobe. I never imagined that I'd come anywhere close to having my finger on a style pulse.

Yet it seems like only yesterday I was telling you all how last night I packed up my winter clothes and got out my summer clothes. If I recall correctly the weather than wasn't all that different to today. However, at least I am properly dressed for rain today.

One the subject of clothes I found the most darling site the other day www.myvirtualcloset.com
I had a peek at sample wardrobes and was so impressed. I just can't imagine finding the time to take pictures of all my clothes, but I do like the thought of being able to view what I have online. Imagine if you were stuck for what to wear (as I often am and have to ask my style guru sister to tell me what on earth I should wear). Rather than people making suggestions in a vague sort of way, they could say wear this item and this item.

Sometimes I think the Internet is a work of breathtaking genius.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how we view ourselves and how others view us? I always think of you as a really good dresser-I would never think that you have days when you are stuck for what to put on.