Thursday, October 05, 2006

Eve - feel the Benefit of Happy, Easy Living, New Woman

I seem to have bought a number of glossy magazines recently. I normally try to resist if I just want to buy it for the free gift (I haven't worn a bikini in years so I didn't really need to buy Elle this summer). Another guilt inducing factor is that the magazine and gift are usually wrapped in a plastic bag and this type cannot be recycled in my area.

I was quite delighted with my purchase of Eve. I only really bought it because I needed some change and wasn't that bothered about the free clutch bag. I then realised that it was the perfect size to fit all the bits that usually hang around at the bottom of my bag (datasticks, work keys, mini first aid kit, spare phone battery, name badge, Enchinacea tea bags). Some are indeed already in cute little pouches but it feels so smart to have them in a bag of their own.

In fact the bag the bag I was using (free with Happy) looked rather smart with the Eve clutch and Easy Living make-up bag (Kath Kidson from sometime earlier in the year). I won't even start on the free scarf, umbrella and flip flops that also make up part of my kit.

I then bought New Woman (soon to be just NW) simply because I wanted the 2 Benefit make-up bags. I was thrilled to find a lovely brochure for their products inside (which I'll be passing in Dear Heart's direction as Yule approaches) but rather disappointed with the magazine itself. There was rather a lack of recipes. Then I realised that the diet plan was actually considered to fill the space a recipe might have taken. I think that I am probably not the market the NW is aimed at.

On the subject of Benefit I was travelling to an area to a different area for work when I spotted a Benefit shop! I was just so excited. I resisted the urge to venture inside as I am saving my pennies and Benefit purchases for a girly shopping trip at the weekend but I may have to return in the future.

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