Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I'm currently feeling very tired and dearly beloved says he thinks I've been stressed at work of late. I have nasty aches in my shoulders (must get back to daily yoga practice) and an overwhelming urge to go to bed pretty much as soon as I get home from work.

However dearly beloved and I were discussing this over dinner the other night and have agreed in a concept we refer to as energy cycles. Essentially we have noted that sometimes we have boundless energy, rush around doing housework and other activities after our money earning work is over and don't want to go to bed. On other occasions heating a can of soup is a bother and slumping on the sofa with a book is too much effort.

Basically we agreed that like every thing else in life energy must come in cycles and that one should go with the rhythm of life rather than fight against it. Hence we shall be tucked up early in bed with a mug of tea and book every single night this week.

Oh I need to think pretty thoughts and count my blessings. Next thing you know I'll be feeling sorry for myself....

1 comment:

Mimi said...

It is lovely to find someone I appear to be in tune with! Carl and I have been feeling like this at home for several days now, and also several people at work have mentioned it. I think as you say, not fighting against it and going with the flow is the way to go. Happy dozing!