Monday, October 15, 2007

Soup and sourdough

I made some bread from my sourdough. I was really worried that the starter wasn't actually ready because the bread was didn't seem to rise very much, but then I popped in the oven and it began to swell. Next time I need to put it some where warmer to prove. It tasted good anyway. I always thought that tang it had came from rye or something. I now realise that is the taste of sourdough.

Dear Heart has been reading Bad Food Britain. It appears to be having a bit of an effect on him. Often we have a takeaway on Friday and Saturday night. This week we enjoyed stir fry and pizza - both totally homemade. Sunday I wold normally make a big chilli or stews that we can eat it over two nights. Dear Heart suddenly announced he fancied soup. What kind?, I inquired. Potato he stated. Well, I have lots of potatoes because they are the one thing that grows well on my allotment whatever. I suggested the hearty winter potato soup from How it all vegan. So that' s what we ate it was delicious. I hope this will be the start of even more home cooked meals.

Food is a simple pleasureand since we have to eat we may as well enjoy it as much as possible. We're eating the other half of the soup tonight. Yum!

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