Thursday, December 14, 2006

A possible solution?

Naturally I still haven't found time to have a good look through my wardrobe and find something for Saturday night. However I have spent a lot of time finishing my fabric bags to wrap Christmas presents in.

These are made from whatever I happen to have in my fabric cupboard (suppliemented with a few metres of specially purchased fabric). I was sewing a piece of jersey (a rather streaky wine red with dark grey flowers) when I realised that I had made a dress fom the fabric a few years ago with the intention of wearig it to a wedding. The weather then turned out better than I expected so I wore something else.

Hence I have never worn this dress. It's too formal to dress down, looks awful over jeans and really would only be suitable for a party! I'm not certain that the quality of construction is brilliant (it being one of my earlier efforts), but as long as it holds together all should be well. At the very least I know that no one else will be wearing it and I can claim that I made it myself!

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