Monday, December 18, 2006

Feeling vile

With a week to go until Christmas I'm feeling horribly under the weather. I'm all shivery and snuffly and poorly. One of my glands has managed to enlarge itself enough to distort the bottom of my face and make it look like some creature is going to burst out at any second.

So I'm trying to divert my mind to think of nice cheerful things like open fires and hot toddys. Like the divinely wrapped Christmas present I received from one of my best friends with baubles decorating it. I keep wondering what's inside the wrapping (I'll know in 7 days!).

I picked up load of stuff my my grandad's house yesterday (alas the house is having to be sold to pay for the care he needs). I got 2 huge tin trunks with lots of goodies. Included in my haul was a load of fabric, my first pair of baby shoes and an old Noddy book.

I also rescued a jar of these busy blocks
They are so cool; each block has a letter on it and inside has a figure for the letter (e.g. a unicorn for U). I also found a Ladybird book about Elizabeth the first. I loved this book as a small child and pestered my Grandma to take me to Westminster Abbey so that I could see where she is buried.

Ah, there's nothing like a good bout of nostalgia to make me feel better.

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