Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It must be the time of year

It seems so long since my last post and although there's been a bit of upheaval in my life jobwise in the last week that doesn't really excuse the week before that. What have I been doing with myself? How did it get to be November? Mimi at Little sips of tea is back so I guess it's time I was too.

Well I enjoyed a few divine days at Henlow Grange. I'd like to say relaxing but I was rather taken with the variety of classes on offer. During my short stay I managed to fit in Aqua mitt (good fun), Sinatra Swing (hard to hear ol' blue eyes for the pounding of feet), Aqua body conditioning (circuit training in the water and I was the only person mad enough to show up for the class), Aqua fit (almost as much fun as Aqua mitt) and Wake up work out (guess who was always out of step?). I just loved being able to wear my dressing gown for most the day. The food was absolutely marvellous.

On the subject of food I've become rather taken with home made soup. I only have the tiniest of blenders so all the soups I've made recently have been chunky. I was kicked started by my approximation of Cauliflower and red lentil from Dolce Vegan. It was so good that at the supermarket I purchased the missing ingredients that should have been in it (such as fresh ginger) and the following week made a broccoli and green lentil version. This week it's tomato and cabbage. It's so good, the soup cooks while I sort out the recycling and before I go to yoga on a Thursday night. I have a portion after yoga and take the rest for lunch the next day. There was quite a bit of the broccoli and green lentil (added rather a lot of lentils and Quinoa) so I took some to work for a Monday morning breakfast. Total yum! It doesn't even need bread.

I've also been enjoyed a renewed burst of energy and enthusiasm in my allotment. Determined to clear all the patched that are over grown and keep the edges neat.

Guess the next thing I need to start thinking about is Yule. What can I buy everyone? I probably shouldn't speculate to much here. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Welcome back! It is lovely to have you back again. I am going to have to investigate your soup recipe, it sounds divine. Chunky soup always seems more satisfying somehow to me!