Monday, April 21, 2008

I made it!

Last week, I was worried about not managing to complete tasks I set myself and thought the reason might be because I was setting too many. I read The Tipping Point this week and it really bears out that humans just can't manage too many things at one time. I found the book amamzing and am now telling Dear Heart to hurry up and finish it so that we can discuss it!

So I set myself 3 things to do (buy a birthday present for Dear Heart's Dad, sort out my seeds for planting and clean the bathroom). I'm happy to report that I did all of them. The present took no time to order from Amazon. The bathroom cleanng was also quick to do thaks to the wonders that are e-cloths. However, I need to do it weekly and then it will take even less time.

I got very inspired about seeds and found a way of making pots from newspaper using an origami type method. I made up a load on Saturday and planted out in them things like tomatoes and aubergines. Sunday, I did a long session at the allotment. I planted half of my seed potatoes (rest next week). I also planted out my Pumpkin and Courgette seeds. I marked where they were palnted with wine corks. This is a really good way of making use of the cork and helps with spacing and weeding in weeks to come. I must take a photo as they look very cool.

In addition to my three tasks I also sorted out some of the Sindy stuff I have and put some of it on eBay. I also stayed on schedule and walked on Wedneday and Saturday and I've been eating really great food. The mushrooms I bought from the market this week were amazing. I had the last few with some watercress, cos and little dressing for lunch yesterday. In fact it was such a nice meal I had the same thng for breakfast today with radish slices instead of mushrooms. My belly feels very happy.

So tasks for this week are to clean the bathroom, sort out another chunk of sindy stuff and take part in the Icing Transformation challenge (ITC). A seperate post will cover the ITC!

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