Friday, July 06, 2007

The Renaissance soul

I commented to a colleague yesterday that my biggest problem is that I have too many interests. I want to read, walk, cook, grow vegetables, make clothes, make cards, make present bags, run a business, do my own website design, make my own beauty products, enjoy wine, dance, blog, watch DVDs, write, trace my family history, catalogue family photographs, practice Tai Chi and Yoga, manage a website, be involved with my professional association, enjoy the Sunday papers, keep in touch with friends...

I was reminded of a blog entry I read a while a go about a book called The Renaissance Soul. It suggests that having lots of passions and interests is a good thing. Rather than worrying that I have too many interests I should enjoy the variety and how these various passions enrich each other.

I've also thought about ensuring that I can enjoy each of these passions without taking on too much. Hence I have written to the town council asking if my allotment plot can be split. I'm finding my huge plot a challenge to keep up with and think a smaller plot would give me much more satisfaction. Not buying stuff if ?I can possibly help it has also helped here. I waste less time working out what to buy, adding up receipts and just generally browsing.

Isn't life great? Aren't the possibilites in life just endless?

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