Monday, July 16, 2007

It made my blood boil

Things have been hectic of late but generally in a nice sort of way. Who can complain that thy are busy spending time with friends and other activities of a similar nature?

However, I have found myself being infuriated about the recycling bin/collection debate. I get really angry with people complaining about the inconvenience of such systems. Won't global warming and a land fill site on every corner be even more inconvenient? If you fill your bins in a week perhaps it's time to stop buying so much so that your bins aren't over flowing with waste!

I'd best stop there before I get into full rant mode, but before I do I must say how happy I am with the waste service in Uttlesford. I was thrilled to discover the other day that all types of plastic can now be recycled in our bins. I'm happier still to realise that the amount of waste produced each week is diminishing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all to easy to abdicate responsibility by shifting the blame, I think.

As in: if the council collected the (paper/bottles/cans) more regularly I would recycle them.

If I didn't have to wash the cans/bottles up first I would recycle them.

If there was a bottle bank nearer I would recycle them.

I cannot help but think that there will be a time in the future when our natural resources are dwindling and our planet is being choked with pollution that these people will wish they had taken the time to do a little recycling.