Monday, September 17, 2007

Vintage stuff

I'm completely thrilled to discover that a vintage fair is coming to town at the end of the month. After reading about such things in It's vintage, darling!, it will be marvellous to actually attend one. I doubt I'll actually buy anything though (although I do rather like the idea of a cloche hat).

I've become rather good at not buying things (particularly clothes). My purchases this year add up to tights, socks, flip flops (second hand) and boots. But part of the trick with this is not looking. Casual browsing of clothes, even when you have no intention of buying anything lead to spotting items that you might consider buying, even though you don't really need them.

I wandered into several charity shops last week. Partly because I wanted to try out some of the things from It's vintage, darling!, partly because I'm starting to think about Christmas presents (dear heart's music stand came from a charity shop and he was thrilled with it) and partly to visit the newly refurbished Heart Foundation shop.

I found myself seriously considering a pair of grey trousers for winter - this despite the day being sunny and my winter wardrobe not lacking grey trousers. If you don't look you can't want!
With Christmas on my mind, I'm planning on getting back on EBay and shifting some of the stuff taking up space in my study. I'll need to store the Christmas presents somewhere!

P.S. I visited Holland and Barrett midweek and they had Pure on the shelf. By Friday afternoon, there was only one tub left. It's obviously more popular round here than I ever realised.

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