Monday, January 26, 2009

What’s for breakfast?

I love having a routine. I also love reading about other people’s routines, menu, bag contents and so on. So last week I thoroughly enjoyed reading Gala Darling’s post on how to have a fabulous routine.

My morning routine has actually become even easier with my laptop lunchbox. Mornings for me go something like this:

Alarm rings, get up, stumble down stairs while belting dressing gown, feed cat, put kettle to boil, brush teeth, make pot of tea, open front door for cat, shower, dress, collect handbag from study, throw food into laptop lunchbox while slurping tea, put contact lenses in, bid farewell to Dear Heart, put on shoes, exit house to get bus.

I then do a sudoku puzzle and apply my make up on the bus.

The snag I have hit is over what to eat for Breakfast. I don’t want to stop and eat before leaving the house unless it’s something that I can eat while throwing food into boxes. And quite frankly if it’s that easy to eat I’d rather eat it in a more leisurely fashion when I get to work!

I’ve tried various things over the years: Home made muffins, porridge, home made muesli, a concoction of carrots, lemon juice, honey and oats, watercress/cucumber sandwiches.

I don’t eat very much bread and I’m not very excited about the though of making toast at work every day. It would mean either taking bread to work or keeping a separate loaf at work, plus I’d need the stuff to go on it. I don’t really like cereal very much and find that I never finish a carton of Soya milk on cereal before it goes off. Fruit is fine but there’s not much in season at this time of year plus I think that some carbs or proteins to go with it would be helpful.

Today I had some dried apricots and nuts because I was stuck for ideas.

Maybe I could make up a batch of scrambled tofu and freeze in breakfast sized chunks? Or make up some kind of vegan breakfast muffin? Or make and freeze pancakes? I did find some breakfast idea over at fatfreevegan and like the tofu quiches

What I need are a couple of ideas that I can fall back on even when I’m pushed for time and if that means that I need to make stuff up in advance so be it – it’s all part of having an effective routine. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I eat muesli with yoghurt. Or toast. Or fruti with yoghurt. I don't think I"m much help! I'm sure you'll find the perfect thing :D

Anonymous said...

That was supposed to be 'fruit'. Of course.